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President Catherine De Mesa

Catherine is a Computer Science and Cybersecurity major here at Lone Star College - CyFair, and has had MANY leadership experiences. She is a x2 Grace Hopper Celebration scholar recipient.
As President, Catherine handles most external and internal things as well as being the main representative of Lone Star CyFair CKI.

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Vice President Jennifer Tran

Jennifer is a pediatric nurse major here at Lone Star College and hopes to assist children in their medical needs! She is also in Vietnamese Student Association and SGA.
Jennifer handles any responsibilities that Catherine can't attend to, and helps organize many of the events, meetings, and other things we have on campus.

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Treasurer Ene John-Mark

Ene has been in CKI on Lone Star since it began last year and has continued to show her leadership skills; she actually won a few student awards! Ene handles our budget, finances, and financial concerns for the club.

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Secretary Haylee McPherson

As Secretary, Haylee writes meeting notes and helps count your hours so you can get them with ease! In her free time, she walks her cute doggo around the block!

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Editor Nicole Ospina

Nicole is also not new to having leadership experience; having a multitude of different + unique experiences early on, she has proven her hard work! In high school, she was actually part of Key Club which is Circle K, but the HS version!